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A Zionist Resolution



3 Whereas the Jewish people realized their right of self-determination in 1948 with the
4 creation of the State of Israel,

5           Whereas the creation of the State of Israel represents the crowning achievement
6 of the Zionist movement, founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897,

7           Whereas the Zionist Movement was the principal motivator in organizing Jews
8 into a highly successful worldwide political effort to fight anti-Semitism by demanding
9 the creation of a state for Jews, and

10          Whereas today Anti-Semitism remains the most serious threat to Jews around
11 the world as well as in Israel through the mechanism of an organized international effort
12 to delegitimize Israel as the homeland for the Jews,

13           Therefore be it resolved that AZM vigorously decries these efforts and the
14 poisonous motivations behind them and calls on its member organizations to focus their
15 energies in educating and activating their members to more strenuously combat anti-
16 Israel, anti-Zionist, anti-Jewish acts and activities by exposing their anti-Semitic
17 foundations as hate and condemning them in sermons, Zionist seminars, camps,
18 shabbatonim, social network campaigns, letters to editors and congressional
19 representatives.